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All Entries On torque/pbs

A total of 5 entries were found. Click on the titles to read the posts.

  • DRMAA using Perl and Torque/PBS (2011-11-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    I recently got the perl wrapper for DRMAA from Tim Harsch working with a torque/pbs cluster. Most of the functionality had worked for a longer time, but I couldn\'t get the DRMAA_NATIVE_SPECIFICATI...

  • Batch Paired-End File Interlacer (2012-07-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Creating Interlaced Paired-end data

    Galaxy is a great platform to analyze next-generation sequencing data in non-cli manner. Currently, it has a few major drawbacks. One of those is the in...

  • General Queue Job to Torque/PBS Cluster Script (2012-07-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)


    Similar to the SLURM script I posted earlier, this script allows to submit jobs to PBS/torque without the need of writing qsub scripts. Just put the following script in your path as ...

  • Conky configuration with spotify, mpd, torque monitor and todo list. (2013-01-30 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    For my own reference, and for those that might need it, this is my conky configuration and accessory scripts. 


    1. Main .conkyrc file

  • Maui 3.3.1 initi script for ubuntu (2013-03-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    This is the init script I use to start maui on my ubuntu machines. I prefer maui over pbs-scheduler for some obscure reason I can\'t remember :-)