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All Entries On Ubuntu

A total of 8 entries were found. Click on the titles to read the posts.

  • Running Commands from Apache as different user (2011-06-07 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Running system commands from a web interface is very usefull to build for example a front-end to some long-running jobs on your server.  I use it for example to start & monitor updates of ...

  • Image Antialias with php-gd on ubuntu 10.04 (2011-11-07 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    After moving a webserver from a good old and non-flexible sles10 server to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I noticed that some PHP generated charts were not showing up, complaining about a missing Anti-alias fun...

  • Fetch ProFTPd users from mysql on ubuntu 10.04 LTS (2012-11-14 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Download Proftpd

    ~$ wget
    ~$ tar xzvf proftpd-1.3.4b.tar.gz
  • Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE on Ubuntu 12.04 (2013-01-30 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    On my ubuntu 12.04 LTS server, I noticed that I could not run the following mysql command anymore: 

  • Maui 3.3.1 initi script for ubuntu (2013-03-18 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    This is the init script I use to start maui on my ubuntu machines. I prefer maui over pbs-scheduler for some obscure reason I can\'t remember :-)


  • Creating GATK VQSR plots (2013-05-15 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    GATK provides nice plots on the gaussian distributions used by the variant quality recalibration tool. 


    However, coverting the R-scripts to the actual pdf plots proved n...

  • Yelo TV op Ubuntu : het kan. (2013-10-15 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Yelo TV op Linux : Versie 2015-09

    Yelo TV van telenet maatk het mogelijk om op "alle schermen" te kijken naar opnames op je digibox, en liveTV  voor bepaalde posten. Er bestaat een a...

  • Enabling PulseAudio Equalizer for MPD in Ubuntu 16.10 (2017-02-17 - Geert Vandeweyer)

    Enabling PulseAudio Equalizer for MPD in Ubuntu 16.10


    I\'ve been using MPD for over 10 years now as my favourite music player. It has an intuitive interface in through the ...